Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CHI part one

One of the important components of feng shui is the theory of five elements, which is considered later in this blog. Other factors to be explained are yin and yang, chi and the concept of trigrams. Practitioners of feng shui regard their surroundings as an expression of chi , and Tao with which it is inextricably linked and from which feng shui derived. 

Chi is thought by the Chinese to be the most important aspect of feng shui. Chi encompasses everything and holds together all the different aspects and factors involved in feng shui. It is the energy and force that flows all around and within and accordingly is sometimes called the cosmic breath. Chi is basically the life force, giving life to everything whether it be the movement of the stars, the weather and the changing seasons or spiritual and physical changes within ourselves. Chi cannot be seen, heard or felt; it does not register upon any of our senses.
A house situated in a certain way will be subject to highly positive and beneficial chi ( which itself creates a healthy environment ) and, by generating a positive environment within home, can also help to produce a prosperous life. Experts in the discipline of feng shui regard our surroundings as a representation and manifestation of chi. There are three main conditions or stages of chi - sheng chi, si chi, and sha chi.

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