Friday, December 10, 2010


When applied to the personality, yin is gentle, quiet and magnetic while yang is fiery, active and intense. At birth, everyone is either yin or yang in their physical constitution. It is sometimes possible to determine which one you are by studying the features of your face with the aid of a mirror.

The yin person has features that tend to be well-spaced and set apart from an imaginary lije that bsects the head from chin to forehead. Thus their features may include a cleft at the end of the nose, a gap in the front teeth, eyes well set apart ,  a large mouth with full lips, Mild climates tend to generate this type of character.

Not unexpectedly, the yang person has facial features which tend to be concentrated nearer to the imaginary center line. The eyes tend therefore to be closer set, the nose small and flat and the lower jaw is square set. This type of person is thought to come from a climatic extremes, including the cold and mountainous area.

Each type of person can be related to the various attributes and therefore a yin person tends to reveal him or herself through thoughts and a typical occupation would be teaching, writing or research. The yang person uses actions to express him or herself and typical occupations would be sport, business, engineering and the armed service. However, it is perhaps obvious that a yin type may have a yang occupation and vise versa.

When a person considers what will be the ideal surroundings for them, it is necessary to accommodate the physical constitution and the occupation. For the former, a complementary environment is required and that means the opposite is needed; a yang person will need a predominantly yin milieu. The opposite then applies for a yin person. The surroundings should also to be made to match  your job so that if your occupation is yin, there should be a yin area to promote thought. These varying factors can be summarized as follows:

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